
Norhaiza Noordin's mastery in wood carving is truly captivating. Specializing in masterful woodwork, Norhaiza's creations are a testament to his remarkable talent and dedication to his craft. Through his portfolio, he shares a diverse range of pieces that showcase not only his technical skill but also his artistic vision.

Each of Norhaiza's creations tells a story, intricately carved into the grain of the wood. From delicate floral motifs to bold geometric patterns, his work reflects a deep appreciation for the natural beauty of the material and a keen eye for detail. Whether it's a finely carved sculpture or an ornate furniture piece, Norhaiza's artistry shines through, leaving viewers in awe of his craftsmanship.

Beyond his own artistic journey, Norhaiza's work serves as an inspiration to aspiring woodworkers and artists alike. His dedication to pushing the boundaries of what's possible with wood carving encourages others to explore their own creativity and pursue their passion for craftsmanship.

In exploring Norhaiza Noordin's portfolio, one can't help but be inspired by the beauty and intricacy of his work. Each piece is a testament to the timeless art of wood carving and a reminder of the boundless possibilities that lie within the medium.


Wood Carving Workshops

Exhibition Showcases

Commissioned Artwork

a pair of glasses on a table
a pair of glasses on a table

2020 - 2023

My Company

SeniUkir Bakawali

2017 - 2020

2015 - 2017


Collaboration, Communication, Project Management, Creativity, Common sense

I am strong in

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